Read Up: Great Articles On Lakeview Gusher

When the BP Oil Spill gushed into the public eye in 2010, many thought it to be the largest spill on record. However, in terms of the U.S., there was one that was estimated to be much, much larger -- the Lakeview Gusher. 

For background and context, check out the following articles selected by our editors. 


"California's Legendary Oil Spill"

By Steve Harvey, Los Angeles Times

The site of the Lakeview Gusher became a sort of tourist attraction, as miles of land was covered in oil. Indeed, some of the oil still remains. 


"Lakeview Gusher Stops Flowing"

By the Bakersfield Californian

In this scan of an 1911 newspaper, the editors of the Bakersfield Californian announce with some excitement the death of the Lakeview Gusher.


"Lakeview Gusher Bigger In Volume, But Gulf Spill Far More Damaging"

By Jason Kotowski, Bakersfield Californian

Nearly 100 years later, the Bakersfield Californian again reports on the Lakeview Gusher -- in comparison to BP's 2010 oil disaster. This article explores the real damage caused by each to its surrounding environment. 


"Lakeview Gusher Still Largest U.S. Oil Spill"

By Gene Gleeson, KABC

Comparisons can be made between the Lakeview Gusher and BP's 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Both seemed unstoppable and pushed hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into their ecosystems. However, this article explores some of the differences, as well as a brief history of the 1910 disaster.


"The Era Of The Oil Gushers"

By Justin Gillis, New York Times' Green Blog

This article explores the Lakeview Gusher in the context of its era -- when a free flow of oil meant prosperity and opportunity.