Read Up: Great Articles On Gulf War Oil Disaster

Intentional and premeditated, the oil released by Iraqi forces during the Gulf War created one of the largest - and most expensive - oil spills in human history. Although the spills were done in the early 1990s, cleanup actions continue today. 

The following articles outline the history and background of this avoidable disaster.


"War In The Gulf: The Fouled Sea; The Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Flounders In Bureaucracy"

By Eric Schmitt, New York Times

Confusion during cleanup efforts resulted in lengthy delays, much to the detriment of the area's delicate ecosystem. Beyond the logistics, however, the real problem behind organizing appropriate response methods wasn't the lack of coordination as much as it was the lack of funds. 


"Lessons Learned Form Gulf War Oil Spill" 

By Marco Werman, PRI's The World

This radio interview with Dr. Jacqueline Michel, a geochemist and research planner at the Unified Command Center, compares the BP Oil Spill with the Gulf War's oil spill and explores how stoppage techniques have evolved in the 20 years between the two disasters.


"Environmental Impact Of The Gulf War: An Integrated Preliminary Assessment"

By Hosny Khordagui & Dhari Al-Ajmi, Environmental Management

An informative analysis of the oil spill's extent and impact. Early media reports put estimates of the spill at hundreds of millions of barrels, however later studies disproved that amount. Even so, detectible damage was found in the region, especially within its soil. 


"Pollution Legacy Lives On In Kuwait"

By Andrew North, BBC News Online

Nearly a decade after the disaster, Kuwait is still found to have a significant amount of pollution. Beyond environmental damage, some are also concerned about a rise in human cancer in the region.

"Red Adair, Famed For Taming Oil Well Fires, Dies At 89"

Obituary by the New York Times

Although estimates said the fires would take three to five years to put out, legendary oil firefighter Red Adair managed over 20 teams across the war-torn land and put them out in a matter of months. Specialized in fighting large oil fires, Adair was one of the most famous firefighters of the 20th century. Actor John Wayne even portrayed him in 1968 movie, "Hellfighters."